Only for assuring the utmost convenience of our valued customers, we have kept our Returns & Exchange Policy as easy as A, B & C! All you need is to follow the three steps and you are done with our Returns & Exchange procedure.

  • A. Contact us at for an item to be returned and exchanged within 30 days of delivery date.
  • B. Ship us the item at our mentioned shipping address (after consulting us in this regard) in its original wrapping & brand new condition.
  • C. Once we receive your returned item, we would be more than happy to exchange it for the item of your choice.

Our Comprehensive Return & Exchange Policy:

Our Satisfaction Guarantee For You: For entertaining you with the best we can, you can return & exchange an item for a different size or a totally new item in you specified size.

Note: For the first time Return & Exchange, you would be required to pay USD 20.00 & would be required to ship the item back to us at your own expenditure after the consultation with us. We take USD 20.00 as, “Return Shipping Fee” & it has to be paid in advance prior shipping the item back to us. For the second time Return & Exchange, you would be required to pay USD 35.00 following the same already specified guideline.

  • An item, received by you is not what you ordered or it is of different size, is also liable for Return & Exchange. Though it happens quite seldom, but if it gets so, we always got your back.
  • An item, received by you is jagged, torn and/or ripped (a defective item) for any reason, is also liable for Return & Exchange. Though it also happens quite seldom, but if it gets so, we always got your back.
  • An item, which for any reason gets lost during the shipment & is untraceable, is liable for a Brand New Item from our side.

30 Days Return & Exchange Policy:

An item needs to be returned & exchanged; you must bring about it into our knowledge within 30 DAYS of delivery date.

Note: After 30 DAYS are elapsed, no return & exchange shall be entertained by us in any case whatsoever.

Along with the aforesaid clauses, an item needs to be returned & exchanged must also adhere with the following clauses:

Correspondence of the concern at

  • It must be brought into our knowledge prior shipping back the item.
  • Item must only be shipped to the Return address corresponded by us.

Item’s Resalable Condition

  • It must be in its resalable condition.
  • It must not be washed, worn, jagged, threadbare, soiled and/or torn.

Item’s Documentation

  • It must have its originally included tags, labels and/or logos attached.
  • It must be shipped back in its original packaging along with its original invoice.

Return & Exchange In Case Of More Than Two Items

  • It must be known that NO MORE THAN TWO items shall be entertained to return & exchange.

Note: We have adopted this practice to discourage the practice of buying more items for testing or selling the items further and when the sale does not happen, asking for the return or exchange. (However, in this case, only clause # I(ii), I(iii) & I(iv) are applicable.)

Return & Exchange For An Items For Second Time

It must be known here that after one time Return & Exchange, you shall be required to pay additional USD 35.00 for second time Return & Exchange. After that no Return & Exchange shall be entertained any further.

Return & Exchange For Tailor-fit Items

For a Tailor-fit item, Return & Exchange is not subject to be entertained in any case whatsoever. Tailor-fit items are made exactly as per your given measurements and any size error due to the communication of inappropriate size from you shall not be entertained for Return & Exchange whatsoever.

Shipping & Return Addresses:

Since we are a Cost Leader & want to offer the same benefit to our valued customers, we have successfully reallocated our facilities offshore. When you place an order with us, you unreservedly agree to accept the parcel shipped from any part of the world.

Usually the orders are shipped from Asia, Middle East & North America but as a customer, you should be ready to accept the delivery shipped from any part of the world.

As you are unreservedly agreed to accept and acknowledge your order shipped from any part of the world, the same goes to the Return Address. When you shop with us, you must be ready to ship the item back to us at our corresponded Return address.

Please note that you always have to contact us first prior returning any item back to us for exchange. Any item shipped without prior our consultation shall not be entertained for return in any case whatsoever.

Our Refund Policy:

We do not have a REFUND POLICY applicable at our store; instead, we have a thorough RETURN & EXCHANGE POLICY. Please do not get puzzled between both the policies.

Order Cancellation Policy:

To check out our order cancellation policy, please click here.

For any further queries, please feel free to contact us at

Last revised on September 30, 2024.

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